California ADU Database

Share your experience to help build more ADUs

To help California homeowners build Accessory Dwelling Units, we’ve started a database of completed ADU projects

The database helps homeowners see what actual finished ADUs have cost to build, and sets realistic expectations for different kinds of projects.

Reduce the housing shortage in California

By helping homeowners build more dwelling units, you’re helping reduce the housing shortage.

How the database works

All the information in the database is self-reported and we perform some basic hygiene to validate the data (we check that the address is real and that it has an accessory structure on it when possible).

What will we do with this information?

We share anonymized and aggregated versions of the data with other homeowners to help them see trends in cost and development of ADUs in California.

We will not sell this data or use it for marketing and promotional materials (unless you tick the boxes at the bottom of the form, and opt into these communications intentionally).

This form is uniquely designed to contribute to the California ADU Database and keeps your data separate from our user database.

Information like your street address will not be shared with the public - we only use it to validate the data.

If you share your email address, we may follow up with you about the data you submitted.